Emotional and Tense cases

Fiona regularly mediates tense cases where emotions run high and the parties are distressed. This applies to all sectors of Fiona’s work and particularly to Employment and Workplace, Clinical Negligence, Healthcare and NHS, Partnerships and Personal injury disputes.

  • Case in a College of Education involving a young vulnerable adult male with severe learning difficulties who had made sexual advances to younger female students, which subsequently involved the parents, the College, Social Services and the Police.
  • Highly sensitive transgender mediation, where there were some very difficult and awkward issues with peer group in work situation.
  • Case involving the parents of a child with Asperger’s syndrome and a School where the child had been excluded for hitting another child with an oar.
  • Two day highly litigious case where claimant was so upset she elected to be mute throughout the mediation. Successfully resolved a protracted 2 year case.
  • Dispute with a senior executive whose affair with a former Mayor had conflict of interests.
  • Longstanding case in the public domain between Trustees of a Traveller movement who had been refused entry to a public house and a hospitality chain.
  • A number of disability cases, including one where a wheelchair bound individual had been denied access to upper floors and treated discourteously in a shop of a well-known high street brand and become a local cause celebre.
  • Case where local manager had lost her livelihood and was in debt because of alleged flaws in IT and accounting systems.
  • Breakdown in GP Partnership and separate cases re breakdown of partnership and family businesses with serious criminal allegations, physical threats and vitriolic language.
  • Highly emotional dispute regarding very longstanding complaints from a patient’s wife against the conduct, standard of care and future service from a Mental Health Trust.
  • Healthcare Commission mediation case pursued by family, where they believed elderly relative’s psychiatric care had been seriously compromised and he had been sectioned inappropriately.  Medical consultants and other professionals providing care were involved.
  • Multi-Party mediation between public bodies, involving the NHS, Local authority, expert witnesses and parents regarding a £400k per annum care package for a severely disabled child approaching adulthood. 18-20 people involved with all parties legally represented.