Personal Style

Fiona ColquhounFiona brings professional and business understanding, with very strong people and intuitive skills, to her work. As a mediator she creates a safe environment for individuals to establish a dialogue, enabling them to resolve their seemingly intractable differences.Her style is flexible and creative as mediation can happen in different ways and Fiona adapts the process to meet the needs of the parties.

Fiona always spends time carefully preparing for the case and will have confidential discussions with each party and their advisors, read any relevant documents and understand the key issues before the day of the mediation. In some instances Fiona may also meet with each of the parties before the mediation day.

Mediations generally take place over one or two days, but may also take place over longer periods of time in sessions to give the parties time to reflect and work on resolutions in a collaborative manner. Fiona is also rated for her careful follow up and being committed to help parties reach a settlement, however challenging this may be.

Some cases do not settle on the mediation day itself, but Fiona works post- mediation with the parties, which in nearly all cases brings about a settlement.

Click here to see Fiona’s Professional Background

Click here to download Fiona’s CV – Fiona Colquhoun CV